
Showing posts from July, 2019

What, how and why are we learing about sustainability?

The valued learning outcomes I want to improve for my students in this inquiry are for learners to know what and why they are learning this information.  This term I am being more intentional to make changes in my learning design. Which will   improve these outcomes by providing supported opportunities for learners to build their oral language skills. The reasons why I think these changes in my teaching will be effective for my learners are because they act as scaffolds to support my learners to build their language capabilities in talking about their learning.

Using the Learning Process as a foundation to talk about what and why we are learning.

Building the language capability for these learners to hook them into how they are learning. The verbs from the learning process to build knowledge about sustainability.  Being digitaly deliberate and find another avenue to support the oral language around the learning. This is day one using this tool, looking forward to what else unfolds. 

Gap Analysis to inform next steps in Writing

Using School Talk gap analysis to identify which learners resquire more support in writing. Where the gaps are. This will inform learning design and leaves me to critically think what can I do differently for these learners.  The orange indicates working towards the progression and the dark green indicates that the learners are working above. 

Using the ladder of inference to help with language capabilities in Writing

Made with Storyboard That Using sustainability as a lens for our Term 3 concept. Building our knowledge on paper recycling we are investagating into the effects on our environment. This is a framework for why we should recycle paper will be student led. Looking forward to sharing more.

Learner Celebration - Sharing our success as a team.

  A collaboration of teacher inquiries resulting in end of year shift in reading, writing and maths for one of our learners. We were proud to share this progress of not only achievement but also in confidnenc.