
Showing posts from August, 2020

TAI20 Our learning Journey Shared on Padlet.

Padlet's have created opportunities for learning to shared, for whānau to celebrate success  I encourage you to go to my learning padle t TWO from this second lockdown 12th of August 2020. Such rich learning linked to our concept of 'Our Local Iwi Stories'. A Junior team's conceptual understanding has been through Māori myths and legends. After our first lockdown on 25th of March 2020 the learning has continued to flourished, adapted, new possibilities and new learnings shown our learning padlet ONE

TAI20 Reflections lead to creating tools to increase engagement and achievement.


Distant Learning 2020 here we go again!!

  We’ve quickly adapted to distance learning on the 17th ofAugust 2020. We are not only wiser this tim e b ut more skilled in p roviding pathways for our learners to be empowered to drive their own learning. School talk shows this through our coloured events. The red signals when a learner's workshop is held with their teacher and the green events provides flexibility for our leaners to drive when they learn these concepts. We've made more deliberate changes to our learning design to incorporate our concept of ' Our local iwi stories' into our design.   Guiding our learners through  the how is an important scaffold to empower our learners. Attendance at workshops is up from the first time and leaning is up on our padlet day one! I encourage you to watch it evolve.  

Create Workshop - Catering for where our teachers are at in the Manaikalani Cluster.

  Using audio function in Explain Everything, opened up some great opportunities for teachers.  The power of voice record to support learners to build their vocabulary and provide as a scaffold to generate talk. Dr Jannie van Hees talks about gifting language. This shows how we can use the audio function in EE to scaffold discussion. This was another hit at my Create Workshop Search Results Web results