
Showing posts from August, 2019

Reading support through a digital lens

When I listen to this learner she is struggling with remembering the vocabulary, the high frequency words, and the strategies to sounding out tricky words. The support structures put in place have been through a digital lens. Explain Everything is helping to create these resources  to support. 

Key Strategy in writing that is working...

The Big 3 The learning process The learning pit  The learner qualities Using the Big 3 and school talk. The strategy is aligned with our school's strategic goal. This tool is enabling learners to be agentic, and take ownership in their learning. By talking about what puts them in the learning pit, unpacking the learning progression. Interactive Tool This supports the writing process of planning and crafting. recrafting and publishing

Hypothese to test....

Buy providing learners with Tools and Strategies in a range of forms ie visual, tactile and digital. It will help learners to be able to talk about when, where and why they are learning. Using School Talk as a basis to determine where our gaps are, what the learning progression is and where to next.