What direction am I heading with my Inquiry for 2021
Wow! Excited and Inspired after our first virtual PLG this term for CoL within School Leaders 2021. It was great to hear that we are moving to an exciting space with our Inquiries this year where we are promoting collaboration within our schools and across schools in our cluster. 'Teachers work together to identify common challenges, analyse relevant data, and test out instructional approaches' MOE - Enabling Learning What the data is telling us The big picture can be explained by looking at our school writing data and where we sit in comparison to our Manaiakalani I am wondering why there is a slower rate of progress from Y1-4 after 'summer drop off'. When we look closely at our schools strategic direction we are... Growing teacher assessment capability so that the assessment part of TLA is woven to inform teacher decision making and design. Growing teacher capability in literacy to raise student achievement in our school data. Especially in the area ...