
Showing posts from March, 2021

Testing out my hunch...scaffolding learners to give peer feedback in their writing.

Learners struggle to know what feedback is why we give feedback and why we receive feedback? In writing this week I tested it out.  Through my learning design I have delved into student voice. What is feedback?  Why do we give feedback?  What do we do with feedback?  Why do we go through this process?  Learners had a scripted format to follow to help then give feedback with a buddy, and use the success criteria to help guide what we were giving feedback on. At the end the noticing by the learners were a majority of us need to give feedback on using full stops at the end of a sentence.  This helps me to frame my next learning sessions on writing ideas in sentences. My goal is to continue this process and weave it into our writing process. I was pleased with the success of this learning, and feel it is the way to move forward for learners to recognise their next steps, and now where they can improve and using the success criteria allows for the how. Now my vi...

Mapping out 2021 for my Teaching as Inquiry

I am inquiring into... The effectiveness of feedback and feedforward in writing for learners who will sharing this with their peers and whānau. I will know this when learners can articulate and action their next steps to  raise learner achievement in writing. The diagram visually represents how I am going to map out my year of Inquiry. 

Learners Writing Samples - Looking at where we are at currently and how we can move forward.

  These writing samples are from my target learners. This is shows the what the evidence is telling us from my previous blog. When looking at the surface and deeper features, we can see that punctuation, spelling and handwriting is a barrier for these learners. Here is the visual of  the data again to show that. These writing samples also show that vocabulary, writing structure and organisation is a barrier or gap in learning for these students. By viewing these samples alongside the data we have leverage with our collaborative inquiry to provide leaners with feedback and feedforward for our children and share this learning with our whānau. 

Learn, Create, Share - Student focus for my Inquiry - Going in from the inside out.

The challenge of student learning you plan to focus on in this inquiry. Below is a series of pictures from School Talk which gives us a clearer picture of the evidence I have about my Y1/2 target learner. Fig 1 In summary this visual is showing us that 7 learners out of 10 target learners are tracking their below expected level for reading and writing, including the three Māori learners. One learner is tracking at the correct reading and writing level for their age. Fig 2. On the whole target learners are all working towards their writing progressions in writing from range of Deeper to Surface Features. Fig 3 When looking at the the learners graduate profile (the whole child) there is a trend that learners are still developing strategies for being in the learning pit , and are lower in assessment capable skills . In general reading and writing levels are lower than mathematics. Digital Literacy skills are also lower at this Y1/2 level. There is work to be done in this space. A wonder...

Feedback in Writing - So What is out there? How can I/we build on this?

  From looking at Sheena Cameron, TKI, within my school and across the CoL, there are a range of ways to give feedback in writing through sharing the successes and challenges but I believe their is a missing piece about how we give this feedback and who is involved. Refining my question... "How can I use feedback and feedforward in writing to build relationships with whānau and my Māori and student support learners to create a greater shift in learner's writing?' At Stonefields School we have three  CoL teachers who will  collectively work on this goal? Our brainstorm... Have flexi connects with a learner and parent virtual or physical after school to discuss the feedback throughout the week, along with the child to discuss success, challenges and next steps. Provide School Talk support  and other workshops for whānau to build home school partnerships. Whānau voice of what is going to help when giving and receiving feedback? Create and use strategies and ...