Feedback in Writing - So What is out there? How can I/we build on this?


From looking at Sheena Cameron, TKI, within my school and across the CoL, there are a range of ways to give feedback in writing through sharing the successes and challenges but I believe their is a missing piece about how we give this feedback and who is involved.

Refining my question...

"How can I use feedback and feedforward in writing to build relationships with whānau and my Māori and student support learners to create a greater shift in learner's writing?'

At Stonefields School we have three CoL teachers who will collectively work on this goal?

Our brainstorm...

  • Have flexi connects with a learner and parent virtual or physical after school to discuss the feedback throughout the week, along with the child to discuss success, challenges and next steps.
  • Provide School Talk support  and other workshops for whānau to build home school partnerships.

  • Whānau voice of what is going to help when giving and receiving feedback?

  • Create and use strategies and tools to give feedback / feedforward in writing.
  • Create agency for our learners when sharing an co-constructing feedback by using the success criteria. 

  • Share exemplars of what writing we are trying to achieve, and unpack writing progressions. 

  • Taking feedback a step forward and sharing this with colleagues.
This is an exciting space, lockdown #4 puts another angle on this inquiry, I believe that we are a step further to build relationships with wānau and learners through a virtual world. 



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