
Showing posts from June, 2022

Explicit teaching of the Learning Process

  See Video of teaching practise using the Learning Process By ensuring deliberateness of teaching the Learning Process it will give learners access to know what to do when they are writing. When I ask my target learners what they find hard about writing the majority to say 'what to write', 'how to write the words' and 'what words to use.' I am noticing that learners sometimes use word cards to help them spell a word, but don't know that the Learning process can help them. Learners don't know which learning rock they are working in or what thinking skill they are using.  Over the last term I have created the visuals of the learning process to be more visible. I am explicitly using the Learning Process in writing especially (see the video that shows this).  My next step in my Inquiry is to continue this deliberateness when using the Thinking skills. By making the thinking skills visual will help learners to know how to access them and use them when they a...

A Reflection! Paused - Reflect - Respond - Action

  I've had a massive reflect. After reading the BES (Best Evidence Synthesis) The Complexity of Community and Family Influences on Children's Achievement in New Zealand June 2003. There were a number of finding that were relevant for my Inquiry.  These are that: • Most parents want their children to succeed educationally and are prepared to help in any way they can. Many want their children to have a better chance than they themselves had. Limited facility in English is not an insurmountable obstacle. • The traditional view held by many Pasifika parents (particularly migrant Pasifika parents), that the teacher is the ‘expert’ seems to be changing. There is growing recognition that both school and family have joint responsibility for children’s education. • The process of partnership building should add to family practices, not undermine them. • Connections and partnership building can be initiated by teachers ‘reaching out’ to parents. It can result in teachers ...