Reading Together Workshop 2018

A huge success, parents engaged and eager to learn. Loved their involvement. The demonstrations of what to do and what not to do was powerful and helped parents with strategies to support their child with reading. It was helpful to start with parents experiences of what reading with their child at home was like and how they felt about helping their child.  This workshop was open to all Junior hubs, wonderful collaboration from the teams of teachers who were there to support.  This was the biggest turn out we have ever had at Stonefields School.

Some comments from the Reading Together Workshop

Some great takeaways from this Reading Together workshop, parents want these workshops to continue as they are helpful for parents to support their children with reading, therefore this supports teachers and raises student achievement.  Some great ideas here too with providing handouts with questions parents could ask about the book and how to support children from Reading level to level.
Also, providing workshops in Writing and Maths.


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