The Impact of engaging learners to Read

Hub Padlet - Sharing Home Learning

This is an intervention to strengthening parent partnerships by creating a three-way level of communication; whānau, child, and teacher. A parent focus group suggested a Hub Padlet to not only share their child's home learning but to also get ideas from other parents about how to support their child. Teachers comment on the learning, provide feedback, and feedforward. The next step in my leadership is to measure this impact at two points in the year, beginning and end. Also, to continue share this practise the influence it has - help others to make this their own.

Breakthrough in Reading - Project lead

A passion lead breakthrough set up during reading time to extend those learners who are more able and are making accelerated progress. This initiative was set up to keep these learners engaged and motivated through real and authentic learning. This is still a work in progress, through my change in leadership role, it has changed the level of flexibility I have to deliver this learning. I can see other opportunities to lead others in this space to see the impact it has on these learners progress. 


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