TAI20 How am I capturing the student's learning? What is the process? Here comes DISTANCE LEARNING

Stonefields School has taken on an approach that we are providing for the whole child or family. We are working together to ensure that we are continuing to uphold our values of creating, rich and authentic learning experiences.

In summary my running of workshops based is reflected in this timetable. Learners have opted into a workshop, are taking action with their families with the times that work for them and what learning they need to be ready for.
My view on my school talk calendar

The view for the learner. They click into their learning events to find their google hangout link, to find their learning experiences of richness. 


Making the learning real and hands on.

Using School Talk to identify the learning intentions. This weeks lessons were based on understanding fractions 

Using a gap analysis to see where we are at. Green shows that learners have achieved, yellow what the learners are working on. The grey shows that the learner hasn't covered the area of learning yet. 

An example of a learner who carried out the learning and I was able to upload their evidence to show their understanding of fractions.  The next step is to show our juniors how to submit their learning. I can comment and give feedback and this evidence becomes part of this learning log. 

This becomes an opportunity for collecting evidence of student's learning.  After reviewing this process of learning, I look at the opportunities it is creating. This allows me pause and reflect on my inquiry and look at my hypothesis and how my Inquiry is evolving and changing. 


  1. Hi Anita, I actually see a lot of similarities with the way that your workflow for students is set out, to the way that we communicate instructions to our learners through the use of Google Calendar events and posts. The way that you view your School Talk Calendar, and the way that your learners view the student version of the calendar appear to be the same as us. The way in which we use it is to accomodate the transitioning of our learners from one subject to another and from one period (or lesson) to another every day over a week. It is interesting to see parallels in lesson information being shared to learners in a similar way, but by using different digital tools.


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