Inquiry Question:

Build assessment capable learners, especially Māori Boys to increase their oral language capability to improve their writing 


  How am I going to implement this?

        • Gift language as a scaffold for talking and writing
        • Model picture talk
        • Context related to interests
        • Value high expectations of talk
        • Use multimodel features in my learning design to support writing
        • Scaffold writing frameworks
        • Use Stonefields high leverage practises to enable assessment capable learners
        • Use School Talk to support the learning

Student learning: I want to see these learners showing confidence in speaking, and transferring their talk into writing. I want to see learners using their gift of language into their writing. Broaden their ideas and extend their vocabulary.

Teaching hypotheses

I felt it was important to refine my hypotheses.

"if I encourage my students to write for a real purpose, then they will be motivated to write."

"If my learning design is rich, real and multi-model in it's approach it will be provide more opportunities for learners to experience success in their writing.

"If I have high expectations of my learners in their ability to talk and write they will make improved shifts in their writing achievements."

“If I focus on providing feedback to my learners, they will know their next steps and will take ownership to improve their writing.”

What research

Jannie van Hees - Language in Abundance

Improving the writing performance, knowledge, and self-efficacy of struggling young writers: The effects of self-regulated strategy development - by Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris & Keith Beard

Content-Area Conversations - by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Carol Rothenberg

What is changing in my practise?

Learning is rich, real and multi-model. It is contextual. Language is gifted to extend vocabulary and support with ideas to write. We are able to provide feedback through conversations and digital support.


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