Manaiakalani within school CoL teachers - Where to in 2021?

What achievement challenge are you considering as an area of focus in 2021 and why? Include in your WHY both evidence and your own passion/expertise

Achievement Objective 3

Lift the achievement in reading for all students, with a particular focus on boys and

Māori students (both genders) years 1-13

My noticings confirmed when completing a recent gap analysis in school talk progressions and Wolf Fisher that junior teachers challenges are in;

  • Oral-rich’ literacy learning, and oral language capabilities

  • Having a wide reading and writing (digital and print)

  • Reading and writing links - The area I am interested in and want to investigate further.

  • Fluency and automaticity

  • Stonefields a need



Passionate in the area of literacy, I have experience across all primary year groups in literacy. I feel like I’ve spent some quality time and found an area of passion in the Junior area. I believe  my practise can help across all year groups. 

What learnings from the 2017 - 2020 CoL teacher inquiries have informed or inspired your thinking

There is a link between reading and writing, it is about getting the balance to fill learning gaps in both Reading and writing for a child. it is about getting the balance and making the links in our teaching practises and learning design

My Impact Survey revealed that colleges find my sharing of practise and knowledge is helpful to their teaching and learning. My Inquiries have helped shift teachers practise. Continue this momentium further next year.

Working alongside Jannie van Hees and experimenting with gifting language through picture talk, mulitmodel taught me that in can be done face to face, and remotely.

How would your work support Manaiakalani pedagogy and  kaupapa?

Learn Create Share

Use learn, create, share in my design and put it into context with Stonefields high leverage


Sharing my learning, continuing being an agent of change in the hub  junior school and

across year groups. With my leadership role I have that reach.

CoL Release

This year I have used some of my CoL release to support teachers in the area of writing. by sharing my knowledge, teaching practise, going in as another lens, providing feedback, feedforward, I want to continue this momentum and create the culture of feedback and feedforward especially with the changes to appraisals taking place next year. A vision I have for next year is to create a CoL Collaborative Model' utilsing three CoL teacher ie released on the same day, share practice

  • Utilise my leadership skills Leaders of Learning for the Y0-2 team to sit alongside my colleagues to find out what their needs are in literacy and know how I can support them. 

  • Team and across hub meetings.

Work on a shared understanding of literacy practice. What is the vision of an effective literacy lesson across Junior teams and across schools.  

Create A shared Resource - Effective Literacy hub - ‘Connecting the balance between Reading and Writing links’ This will include best practice, teaching ideas, videos of learners showing they understand the connection between Reading and Writing.  Implement the research based strategies to validate my impact.

Which elements of the extensive Manaiakalani research findings inform or challenge you as you think about this?

Wolf Fisher Reading and Writing Level Demographics and the challenges in oral rich


Ministry of Education TKI literacy online. 

talk about links between and writing

Learning from My CoL colleagues Inquiries

Carelle's Inquiry blog

Johanna's Inquiry blog

How would you like to be supported in 2021 as you undertake this inquiry?

Supported amongst the CoL teachers across and within school to create a partnership where we are learning from each other, I would like feedback forward from them vice versa, through face to face connects, blog posts and continue to build up the culture of commenting on blogs, be the drive of this. automatic, role model

How would you plan to support your colleagues in your school with THEIR inquiries and/or teaching in the area you are exploring?

Create the community of learning culture in my school to support my colleagues with their inquiries, whether they are individual or hub Inquiries, allowing people time to share. My Inquiry is transparent


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