Inquiry HOLT! My Causal Chain for my Inquiry. A time to reflect on my Inquiry Journey.


In this post I describe the tools/measures/approaches I plan to use and what I am doing differently to make a difference for my writers.

This has probably been the hardest blog post to write. Inquiries often have a clear pathway and desired outcomes of what we want to achieve already set in our minds. The challenge is 'What am I doing differently from previously planned outcomes to create shift for my learners'.

My Causal Chain diagram clearly describes the Journey of my Inquiry. By outlining the Intended outcomes and how I am going to get there. 

My new Intervention describes how I am leveraging the partnerships between home and school to raise student achievement in literacy.

Building learners knowledge on the Stonefields School Learning process to make connections to learners writing and raise student achievement. 

Co constructing success criteria with learners, so they can base their feedback and feedforward on their writing success. 

Creating opportunities for sharing teacher practise and supporting teacher’s to build on their teaching capability in Literacy. 

Stonefields School Learning Process has been redesigned to align with our vision. This is what I will be using to scaffold our learners to learn about giving and receiving feedback in their writing. 

My desired outcomes of what my Inquiry you will see in my Inquiry this year. 

By collecting Learners voice I want to know and see if learners feel more confident to give and receive feedback with their peers.

Feedback becomes a comfortable and automatic part of the writing process.

Learners using and talking about Stonefields School learning process as a scaffold to give feedback.

Learners contributing to the success criteria for writing. Learners giving feedback based on this success criteria 

Whānau are more informed with what their child’s next steps are in writing and how they can support. 

There is a shift in student writing data and this can be seen through Eastle results, overall teacher judgement and learner's written work. 

An exciting space to be in, I feel by doing the Causal Chain Reflection it has helped me to create the rigour in my Inquiry.


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