Where we are at with our writing programme?

Writing related to the Term 1 Concept of Well being

From drafted to publised writing. Where learners are seeing the purpose and process of writing. The opportunity here to share this writing further with our Whānau for them to know where their child is at in their writing and what they could continue to support them with. 

Some noticings are that learners are becoming more determined to write the sounds they can hear, knowledge of letter recognition and sounds are continued to be worked on. 

The baseline data shows there are some gaps in knowledge of letter sounds and recognition. Which is a good to see where our gaps are in their phonological knowledge. 

In School Talk we are a gap analysis shows there is a morning learning to do in all areas
Deeper Features and Surface Features in writing. 

DData and photo evidence is highlighting the opportunities and the content we can share with our whānau.


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