Research into Quick 60

Great wonderings Dorothy.

'Looks good Anita. I was wondering what you intend to do with this - or have done? Do you see similarities to Reading Recovery strategies and Quick60?'

Taking this research in mind I am now using sound boxes (see past blog posts) and covering word attack skills in every reading session, as this is the foundation to reading decoding.  This is certainly what reading recovery is saying from my last visit to a reading recovery teacher last term. 

Reading Recovery has more than 30 years of research and evaluation results: the strongest body of evidence for any literacy intervention.

However, I am interested to learn more about Quick 60 to see how I can use the strategies with my reading.


  1. Anita, I really enjoy hearing about the barriers you are seeing with your students and the ways that you are inquiring into overcoming them. I am very interested in seeing how successful you are with your students. What have you found successful so far? Has anything surprised you?


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