Describe how and why you have selected this challenge of student learning....

This challenge has been selected because I have had a hunch, a wondering....and some questions....
Image result for learner qualities stonefields                Image result for learner qualities stonefields          Image result for learner qualities stonefields

Do learners really know why they are learning the content, how do they learn best and where is the best place for them to learn. We have this amazing space at Stonefields School for our Y2/3 learners. We have a high functioning team amongst the teachers.

Using results from the Combi tool we can see that participation in discourse and willingness to participate in conversation work hand in hand. Ultimately our aim is for our learners to do this more naturally and more often. Results show this is an area to work on. Therefore my Inquiry has come to life. 

When we compare results amongst the Junior School we want to increase the level of communication and which will leverage off the feedback given and received.


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