Junior Agency Self Perception Tool (JAT)

The tool measures the level of agency learners have to take ownership of their learning and make informed decision with the tools and strategies they use.  The survey will provide us with detail so we can evaluate the progress over time and the shifts we need to make. It will provide us with information to make adjustments to our learning design and deliberate acts of teaching. 

We have standardised tests to access reading, writing and maths. We have designed a survey to provide us with more standardised and comparative data the focuses on the soft skills for example growing collaboration. 

The soft skills that are measured are
  • Reliance/determination
  • Self Aware
  • Take Action
  • Using Tools and Strategies
  • Collaboration'
  • Assessment Capable
The 6 Agency capabilities are representative of across school CoL goals and come out of our Stonefields School signature practices....

These comprise of the 'big 3'  Learning Pit, Learning Process and the Learner Qualities. Our graduate profile takes into consideration of the big 3, which determining the agency capabilities. 

So that our survey is informing us with relevant data. We have made the characters gender neutral, and stories that relate to our learners at Stonefields School. The language used with language we us at school and is part of our vision.  The visuals, are to support our learners make reliable and honest answers to have give us more accurate data. 

2019 has been a year of creating and building knowledge of the tool. This process is continuing into 2020, only moving into more of a make meaning phase. The process has involved.... 

  • Creating the characters for the scenarios
  • Developing and creating the scenarios
  • Making them available in a google form
  • Senario written as a story
  • Video of the story
  • Multichoice questions
  • An option to submit answers for collation
Together as a junior team we can decide which capability is relevant for us to know to provide us with information for our teaching and learning cycle. 

If you would like a closer look at the survey. Please contact any of the teachers below who were involved in designing the tool. 

Anita Unka

Klara Coulter

Sally Stanley

We are now at the end of 2019, Term 4 and we are beginning to roll the tool out the Junior School
at Stonefields School.  This will be a time for us to look at reflections about the survey and reliability of
collecting the information. We will be able to make the necessary changes based on teacher and
learner feedback. A statistician will also look over our survey to give us feedback on the reliability of the
data we are collecting.

Post completed by Anita, Klara and Sally.


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