#4TA120 tools/measures/approaches proving a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning.

Combi Tool

Gathering Data

This tool developed by Jannie van Hees looks at the factors contributing to talk. Here are results from my five target learners. 

1 - Yes                  2 - Sometimes                        3 - No

Mainly our Maori learners find it difficult to share their ideas in a meaningful way. Having the language is barrier for these learners. The learners who find it easier share many ideas, and show overall confidence 

This data tells us that these learners find it difficult to respond clearly. Understanding of the teacher can always be a barrier. Therefore important for our learners to have visuals when explaining things.


There is a real range in this area. This requires our learners to be creative and innovative in their learning and thinking. Where learners apply their understanding. 


Making meaning of the learning and information is an area where learners find if difficult to express their ideas and will often find it difficult to take agency in their learning and will often seek the teacher for clarification. 

A majority of these target learners do find it difficult to share ideas in a group situation or talk on the topic logically. Learners still working on expressing themselves. 


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