Writing BEST (Being an Effective Stonefields School Teacher) Examples of phrases.

An observation of my writing lesson completed in September this year. Some insightful tips on setting learners up for success prompts to help gift language and build knowledge. Statements and comments show the scaffolding process to support learning. 

Narrative notes


  • What words describe him?
  • He is strong let's highlight 
  • Power let’s highlight power yes it is a word that describes him
  • He is forceful 
  • Special a good one 
  • Thrashes around the trees Thrashes was mis spelt 
  • Give 2 mins sit with someone you don’t normally work with and take your buddy to find as many description words as possible
  • Anita roved supported and timed 
  • Did well in that two minutes great highlighting 
  • What words really describe Tawhiri-matea? 
  • Shared from pairs
  • Clarity around vocabulary proud and pride word 
  • What does he do with those 4 winds?
  • Digging deeper than just the answer given  
  • Special powers forceful etc affirming of all the contributions 
  • Positive reinforcement of expectations and quick slick transitions and pace 
  • I have had a go to write the description, but can you use juicy words. 
  • Show facial expression he is ferocious he  is serious 

  • Working with a group helping to gift new vocabulary 
  • Tawhiri-matea  radiates what does he give out what actions or behaviour does he give out Tawhiri-matea  radiates strength and power  
  • Yep that is right great sentence building 
  • I think that the word forceful is good word to use. How do you put that in a sentence?
  • Great he brings forceful winds to the lands maybe?
  • Remember to talk to each other about what words you can put in your next sentence.
  • Roving try - remember to hook me in with your words? 
  • Re writing and drafting your own version 
  • I love that …   ( maybe add because …..)
  • I think that you need to have written a little bit more by now remember what we talked about maximising that learning time...
  • Sharing back with H respect and we are ready to listen to H. We collaborated well H ready to share
  • Referred  to the writing process in the plenary part of the session.

Wonderings around feedback and feedforward 

How can you be more specific in the feedback using the words that refer to the success criteria  I like your description because 

Think and reflect on. 

What feedback do I need to give ? Why did I choose … feedback?

Hattie and Timperley (2007) identified three effective feedback levels: task level; process level; and the self-regulatory level. Task level feedback was described in the coding protocol as feedback specific to the requirements of the task.


Thank you so much for letting me come and observe your practice it is real privilege to watch such a passionate practitioner 



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