What Does The Research Say?...


ResearchChalkboard in background with books, glasses and pencils sitting in front of it

Read a great article recently "The importance of Teaching and Learning in the Classroom" 2021

Some things really resonated with me. The 'Tools for transforming themselves and their world" When I think about the learning process and how it helps our learners, it is about providing tools and and a vehicle to drive learning. The next paragraphs explain that if learners are to experience success we need to consistently be reflective about what is going to help student learn best. What is going to help our learners connect to the knowledge, teach them how to think and reduce barriers to learn new knowledge. 

Learning Principles

“Good students are those who learn. Whatever their preconceptions, barriers or deficits—whatever their story—they take new information and new experiences, and to the best of their ability, make them tools for transforming themselves and their world. And at last I’ve learned that a good teacher is someone who can recognize and connect with good students—in all their forms.”
– Mark Cohan, “Bad Apple: The Social Production and Subsequent Reeducation of a Bad Teacher,” Change, November/December, 2009, p. 36

The learning-teaching synergy happens when teachers are thinking, observing, and focusing in all sorts of ways on learning—when we are constantly asking, “What’s going to help students learn this?

"The importance of Teaching and Learning in the Classroom" 2021

With changes to our grouping based on learner needs and the fluidity of an ILE. I have some new learners in my writing group. So I felt it was important to collect their voice, provide me with evidence of what my next steps are. The graph below shows the level of understanding of the Learning process

This information has allowed me to reflect on the intentionality of using the Learning Process to be a vehicle for learners to make sense of their learning. First step is to unoack the thinking skills through my learning design so learners can  make connections to their learning.. I look forward to continuing to post how I am making these connections intentional. 


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