Parent Focus Group - listening to our Whānau voice.

A positive and informative parent meeting. It was wonderful they took time out of their day to come along. The parents all gave some great suggestions for how we can help our parents to help our children at home. 

They felt we communicate learning progress as a school well and in a timely fashion. The next step is the incidentals and information on how to support their child at home. 

Parents said that our teachers do the following things well...

  • Know our children well, parents feel well informed by this and confident that they are doing the best they can.

  • Provide an open-door policy. 

  • Running workshops are effective - would like to see a portal for all the recordings of these workshops for future reference. Could this sit in the Home Learning Site?

Some of the big takeaways from this parent focus group are..

Through a digital and hands-on lens. Utilise our Home Learning site, and send home writing books with an area for parents to comment and leave their voice.



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