Reading Recovery

Had such a great in debt conversation with the Reading Recovery teacher at Meadowbank School.  She reiterated the benefits of using the data from 6Year Net results.  Fluency is a big umbrella in reading, that is where we want to get our learners - reading fluently. 

Fluency is such a big thing, if learners are fluent will know what is going to fit in there (the unknown word) straight away.

For some we need to change the mindset of texts that may not be seen as easy or one level lower than instructional level, as these texts are important for fluency and using strategies to read tricky words. This is so important when you get up the higher levels.
My take aways were using Elkonin boxes, creating fluency boxes, and getting the buy in from learners finding out about what are their passions. As of next week I will be taking the yellow and blue readers so I can continue these strategies with these learners.


  1. Your blog is a treat to follow Anita - thanks so much for sharing your practice so thoroughly, visibly and generously. I am learning a lot :)


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