It's the personal touches that hit home!

Email conversation with a parent...

Teacher Email

Great news!! We tested -- today and he is now a Orange Reader. He has skipped green and moved to Orange. We are so excited.  Thank you so much for coming on board and supporting --- with reading. 
 Parent Response 
Ohhhh Anita, that's really made my day!!! 
Thanks - wonderful support from you guys! We really appreciate all the input and encouragement you've given him - great stuff. 

The interventions to make this happen

Phonics - using sound boxes
Using bookmarks with reading strategies reminders.
Using praise charts, and rewarded with time for literacy games
Guided sessions teaching how to read
buddy reading
listening to the story
Extra reading milage with support from a parent.
Regular connects with parents


  1. Well done Anita. I really like how you have shared your email with your parents. It will be great to keep it going.
    Great work.


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