Time to dig deeper in my analysis and ask myself... "what happens in the classroom when I apply my learning" Dimension 4.


What is adaptive expertise?

Adaptive expertise is about being self-aware, having agency over your ability to make a difference, and striving for the best outcomes for your students. Engaging in effective professional conversations can support you to.

This video has made me look at my own practise and looking at the agency and urgency I have developed in making a difference. After having many conversations around 'Am I really making a difference". I am now able to dig deeper into my inquiry.  

When reviewing Helen Timperly's research on the spiral of Inquiry I am at the checking phase now.

So I am thinking about which learners are still struggling and facing some of the barriers in reading I have found.  I am wondering if my deliberate tools and strategies created and using are successful and time to measure the success.

Time to pause and refine all the things I have done so far....


  1. Hi Anita
    Thanks for sharing the Evidence Based Professional Learning Cycle. I really like the key questions based under each dimension. These questions provided a great discussion base amongst teaching staff at our school. I think this will become a valuable resource when we review our own Teaching As Inquiry Model and Process.

  2. Great post Anita! Thanks heaps for all that information and reflection you have provided around Evidence Based Professional learning. I am currently learning about and using this for my Inquiry into my ALiM maths group that I am working with.

  3. This always resonates with me too Anita. I have found Helen Timplerly's work beneficial to supporting my reflective processes and understanding that we can't always do it all in one go!

  4. STOP - REFLECT - REFINE & TAKE ACTION was really interesting for me. Great set up for what is happening in the classroom when I apply my learning. Thanks for sharing.


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