Where am I growing my practise?

Using our Teacher Effectiveness Rubric I am reflecting on where I am growing my practice. 
There are two main areas that I am looking at: 

Makes Learning Real and Building Relationships by being more culturally responsive. 

This is what I am applying in my teaching practice. 

Uses ‘learn, create, share’pedagogy when designing learning. Creates opportunities for learners to feel empowered and makes connections to learning process visible for learners.

This is what I want to become a part of me in my practice.

Uses the pedagogy of ‘learn, create, share’ innately when designing learning. Enables visible and ubiquitous learning, strong learner agency and connectedness to grow knowledge and deepen understanding.

This is what I am applying in my teaching practice. 

Has a growing awareness of learners’ talents and further hones to ensure they become strengths. Utilizes these in planning for further learning.

This is what I want to become a part of me in my practice.

Provides opportunities for talents and strengths to be honed, stretched and maximised in a range of learning and social situations. Purposely engages with learners in order to further deepen learning relationship.


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