#1TAI20 Summary of the challenge of student learning that I will be focusing on in 2020.

Key Words
assessment capable student achievement in writing whole body learning

I have had the privilege to being a within school member for three years. Over this time I have inquired into many areas of literacy and how I can engage learning and shift my practise Some of the major areas I have inquired into which have caused shift are..
  • Linking movement to Reading and Writing, which includes the whole body.
  • Building relationships with whānau and knowing thy learner.
  • The learning design reflects our design thinking.

To start the year our TOD's were lead by Carolyn Stuart from weaving futures, specialist in Deign Thinking.   Where we learnt about empathy mapping and creating 'Learner User' Stories. To help us build deeper relationships with our Maori learners and parents.
This has given me more of an insight to knowing the narrative of a learner and their whānau

The Challenges of student learning that I will be focusing on it...

  • Closing the gaps in writing and raising student achievement in writing.

  • Using Oral language to develop their vocabulary to support the writing process

  • Providing tools for our learners to be assessment capable.

I am leading my inquiry towards...

Building assessment capable learners especially
Māori learners to raise student achievement in writing, by deliberate acts of teaching, which includes oracy and whole body learning in my design. 


  1. Kia ora Anita,

    I too have been inquiring into literacy for the past few years and although we teach at different levels, I can definitely see some similarities - I will be interested to look further into some of your past inquiries. I really like the term 'assessment capable' too as this is something I am looking into with my learners this year.


    1. Kia ora Danni,

      Great to connect we have similarities in our inquires. Assessment Capable is an area I believe that at all year levels we can scaffold ways for learners to take action in their learning. Knowing learning gaps in learning and next steps.

      Thank you

  2. Hi Anita,

    It is good to see that you have made your decision about your inquiry focus. I was wondering what were the factors that motivated you to choose this focus? I would love to see the thinking and analysing process behind this. Thanks.



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