#2TAI20 Why am I selecting this challenge?

Building assessment capable learners especially
Māori learners to raise student achievement in writing, by deliberate acts of teaching, which includes oracy and whole body learning in my design. 

I feel that these are ongoing problems.

Upon Reflection....I want to see learners as agents of change, being resilient to take on learning challenges and not want learning done to them, be curious and learn through exploration and adventure.

(Assessment capable)

I want to see learners writing for a purpose, language gifted to enrich their vocabulary there are still the mechanism of writing that can be barriers or our learners. We can overcome that in many ways, which I covered in previous Inquiries and continue to do so, for example using our whole body to write, spell and communicate.

                                                                                           (oracy and whole body learning)

I was fortunate to make meaning of my inquiry with Jannie van Hees. Some of my take aways from this deep and meaningful conversation was that hands on / whole body learning is about empowering learners to be confident writers and have high expectations of themselves as writers. Learning experiences are to be hands on, involve the whole body to learn. Whole body learningoccurs when teachers and students engage physically, mentally, and emotionally in the learning cycle.

Building assessment capable learners especially
Māori learners to raise student achievement in writing, through whole body learning.

By refining this Inquiry question my hypothesis for this inquiry are the following....

“If I encourage my students to write for a real purpose, then they will be motivated to write.”

"If my learning design is rich, real and multi-model in it's approach, it will provide more opportunities for learners to experience success in their writing.

“If I focus on providing feedback to my learners, they will know their next steps and will take ownership to improve their writing.”

“An emphasis on using the whole body to learn will enhance learners ability to write."

"If I have high expectations of my learners in their ability to talk and write they will make improved shifts in their writing achievement."

In terms of where this fits in the overall Manaiakalani trends. The gaps in where our learners should be are widening starting at year 1. The data is indicating that there is a high need in the Manaiakalani Cluster. Therefore my Inquiry.

Wolf Fisher student achievement data


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