#1TAI20 The process for developing my hypotheses

In respect of my previous blog post 'Why am I selecting this Hypothesis.'

My hypotheses are

“If I encourage my students to write for a real purpose, then they will be motivated to write.”

"If my learning design is rich, real and multi-model in it's approach, it will provide more opportunities for learners to experience success in their writing.

“If I focus on providing feedback to my learners, they will know their next steps and will take ownership to improve their writing.”

“An emphasis on using the whole body to learn will enhance learners ability to write."

"If I have high expectations of my learners in their ability to talk and write they will make improved shifts in their writing achievement."
"If I provide extend my learners oral language skills it will allow for more opportunities to gift language. Evidence for this will show in what learners are saying and writing."

After continuing to reflect and refine with Jannie van Hees watching examples of how she has gifted language in with creating hands on experiences. It has made me reflect on what are optimal conditions for learning.

This article talks about the importance of providing a range of opportunities to scaffold talk. Which is what Jannie van Hees research is saying. Opportunities such as: group presentations, where teachers can support with providing the expectations of speaking, nurturing language 'mastering language.'

My hypotheses will aid in my inquiry question:

Building assessment capable learners especially Māori learners to raise student achievement in writing, by using hands on learning in my design.


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