Third Round of Flexi Connects this time in distance learning.

Holt! Lockdown August 2021 - is it really a holt or is it a turning point?

Although there was a slight pause, made me stop and reflect on how are we going to ensure student engagement and student wellbeing at the forefront. ERO 2021

An upheavel for whānau's lives and our tāmariki, wanting to keep the flow and continue the momentium of success. 

I had reached out and to continue our Flexi Connects in Writing. The uptake was welcoming.
Here are some shots from our goggle hangout out flexi connects. 

Learners proud to show their writing during lockdown.

Using the opportunity for a teachable moment on phonics. 

Show examples of writing descriptive language for the audience.

Continuing to give feedback on how to extend vocabulary.

Learner taking agency to use the vocabulary tool and extend their use of descriptive language. 

By grabbing the opportunities we can during distance learning and reflecting on what we can adapt the learning doesn't holt, for some learners and their whānau it continues to florish and learners take agency with their whānau support. We are continuing to strengthen relationships to enhance the learning cycle. 

My reflection is that this isn't holting learning, it taking a turning point to engage our tāmarki and whānau. 


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