Making Accelerated Shift for Maori Learners

Manaiakalani Teachers Inquire into the CoL Achievement Challenges

This is the achievement Challenge I am working on this year...

"Lift the achievement in reading for all students, with a particular focus on boys and Māori students (both genders) years 1-13"

We have a Y1 learner who is NZ Maori this is her progress in 2017.

This learner has been at school for 1 year and 6 months.  She started at Stonefields at the beginning of the year. From the graph above you can see that she has made steady progress.  She is now reading at Green.  We want her to be at Orange to meet National Standards and be 'at' her level.

The goal now is to get this learner to Orange level by the end of the year 8 weeks to go!!

Steps taken to make this progress
  • Regular parent connects twice a term. The content covered in these connects...
    • How to use the Reading Prompt Cards at home and in association with the home readers.
    • Sharing content from reading together workshops, providing parents with strategies of how to support their child with reading.
    • A time to answer any questions to support parents with reading with their child.

 "The regular connects have been really helpful.  You've helped to give me some strategies of how I can help ... at home.  It keeps on us track.  The list of high frequency words have been good to motivate ....  I love the reading bookmark as ... knows what to do when she comes across a tricky word.  We really appreciate the help have given us"
Parent Voice

During learning time the most effect strategies for our Maori learners are using the following..
  • Elkonin Boxes (sound boxes) we make connections to our Maori vowel song we sing regularly  A Haka Mana
  • Reading one on one daily (getting extra dose and density)
  • The use of Digital incentives during phonics time has helped this learner to take on student agency to drive their learning, and she what their next step is.

By refining and and digging deeper into my Inquiry I am able to change my practice to engage Maori learners and refine my practice to cause shift in progress.  I look forward to the next post following on from this to see the shift made for this learner.


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